Video #1: How to create your Free ASANA account in minutes.

Action Steps: Watch the first training video above and create your free ASANA account in minutes. 

Why ASANA? I LOVE Asana because...

1.) it's free! And let's face it there are enough little $10 a month charges that we're already paying for. Those add up!

2.) I am not a natural organizer, in fact I repel structure, but over the years I've learned that structure is my friend. I helps me avoid wasting precious time that I simply don't have anymore. ASANA is a simple solution that allows me to keep all my to-do's and project notes organized. It's also great for collaborating with my clients and helps keep my email inbox nice and clean, since I try to keep most of our project updates in ASANA... note: this system only works if you and your entire team commit to using it. You have to get used to checking it daily, just like you would your email.


Yes, they have an app for that! You can download their app using the links below. There are less capabilities on the mobile version, so I still recommend checking the desktop version once a day. But, you can check off and add tasks from the mobile version while you are on the go.

For iPhone App, CLICK HERE.

FOR Android App, CLICK HERE.


If you are creating your account from your desktop computer visit here: and get started! Also, watch the video below for step-by-step instructions on how to get setup. 

Once you have your account up and running and have invited all of your team members, you are ready to start organizing your marketing tasks and processes with Video #2!

VIDEO #2: Ready to get all of your marketing tasks and processes organized in one place?

Action Steps: Watch the second training video above and complete the following...

1.) Create a template for your monthly marketing plan. Add a column for each week of the month and start entering all the tasks you will commit to every month.  See video for explanation.

2.) Add your weekly tasks under week one.

3.) Add your process in the subtask sections of your weekly tasks.

4.) Copy your weekly tasks over to the rest of the weeks to save time.

5.) Add your monthly tasks and your process in the subtasks.

NOTE: Don't assign deadlines and people to tasks on your template. The template will be copied each month and that's when you will add this info. This is just a copy of your new marketing system that we will be implementing. 

Once you have your marketing tasks organized and your processes outlined, you are ready to create the monthly marketing plan you and your team will work off of with Video #3!

VIDEO #3: Using ASANA to create a monthly marketing plan that will keep you and your entire team focused. 


Action Steps: Watch the final training video above and complete the following......

1.) Create a copy of your marketing template for the upcoming month and name it (upcoming month) marketing plan... ex: April Marketing Plan. 

2.) Edit your column titles to reflect the week of the month (ex: 4/3 - Tasks and 4/10 - Tasks)

3.) Add a description for your monthly calendar. I like to use the description area to share the content theme for that month. All the content you create should tie into this theme (ex: Home Design Trends, Spring DIY Projects or The Market Is Hot For Sellers).

4.) Go through each task and subtask and assign it to someone on your team or yourself, also be sure to add a deadline.

5.) Add any comments about the project or supporting information in the comments section of each task.

6.) Check your calender and make sure all your projects are showing up! If you are a visual person, you can print your calender and keep a copy at your desk. 

Great work! You've successfully developed a marketing plan and system you can duplicate month after month :)